Friday, August 22, 2014

And we now have a 3rd...

One of the biggest reasons why I wanted to try to simplify my life is because I figure if I have less stuff, then there's less stuff to make things messy with. Ahh...see that genius thought process?? That being said, my room is a complete disaster zone right now. I would post pictures, but I'm slightly embarrassed at just how messy it is. Plus I'm afraid my Mom might see and then I'd feel bad because she taught me better than that. (She doesn't even know this blog exists yet though, so that excuse is a total cop-out). Back to the point I'm trying to make- I've been in and out of town a bunch over the past month and a half and with every trip it seems like things get piled higher and higher and I keep thinking that if I could just have a few hours I could get it all under control easy....toss out a few things, organize the rest of it and voila, simplified!....But every week I find myself with zero time, which has me thinking it's time to make a 3rd goal in the simplifying category. Simplify my life.

Simplifying my life may sound broad but let me explain. By "life" I mean my social life, the amount of errands that I run and the appointments that take over my calendar. I'm pretty busy, and I like it that way. I'm home usually just long enough to shower, fall into bed and then wake up and do it all over again the next day. I thrive on being busy, it's my way of distracting myself from the things in life I don't want to do--namely clean my room, fold my laundry, etc. If I'm home I can't stand it so I just end up doing whatever chore it is that needs to be done. So basically I need to spend less time out doing things and more time at home. This will be hard because I'm a yes person. You ask me to do something and I will typically say Yes!! I have a hard time saying no to people. But it's time for me to learn to use the word no. Ever seen the movie "Yes Man"? It's about a guy who takes a vow to go around saying yes to everything and it totally changes his life because he use to be boring and say no to everything. Well, I'm going to do the opposite and be the No Woman! I mean I probably won't say No to everything, because that'd just be sad, but at least for the new few weeks I'm going to hunker down and work on organizing a bit. (That'll have to start after this weekend though because I already have fun plans!). This goal of being less busy and staying home more will not only help me with getting myself all organized at home, but it'll help with the simplifying my budget goal too. The less I go out, the less moolah (correct spelling?) I spend, and if I go off the grid for a bit people will be SO excited when I come back. Win, win, win!!!!

Those are all my thoughts for today folks, if you have any great ideas about  a process for going through and getting rid of clothes, please let me know. I'm the worst at that game.

1 comment:

  1. So basically this is my problem. All. The. Time. That's partly why I chose my last goal, to simplify my lifestyle. I've said no to a couple of things lately, and it's been hard but it feels so good! I've also changed plans to accommodate things I'd rather do than what I feel obligated to. Again, hard but liberating.
