Wednesday, August 13, 2014

simplicity isn't as simple as i thought

As stated in my last post (read it here), I suck at making things simple. It's like picking out clothes for Brooke--it takes far too long for me to figure out how to be simple. Isn't that a little counter-intuitive?

The past three days have been a whirlwind at work (the school job, not the hospital job). My cute little kiddos don't even come back until August 25(!!), but already I'm spending long days at school trying to put out fires before they've even begun. It has taken a serious toll on my decluttering, simplifying, and meditating efforts. I'm nearly 100% positive that I've spent only 15 minutes decluttering and absolutely 0 minutes meditating. I haven't acquired a planner for the new school year, but my to do list is coming along quite nicely *insert sarcasm--it's already 2 pages long*. I'm hoping to get some good decluttering and decorating done tomorrow in my speech office. Does decorating count as decluttering?

In regards to simplifying my lifestyle, I'm feeling pretty good. I've yet to take a few minutes to do the sitting-and-breathing kind of meditating, but I've gone running every day which is kind of like meditation right? I said 'no' to my mom when she asked me to cover her when watching my nieces because I already had dinner plans with a friend...and that took some serious guts! (Don't get me wrong, I love my nieces to pieces but I needed a break from responsibility for a night.) I'm quite attached to my planner and "to do" list system, largely because I love my Backstreet Boys notebook where I jot down all of my notes and lists. Once it runs out of blank pages, I'm sure I will easily find a way to incorporate my lists into my already very full and very organized yet simple planner. (And yes, I still use a paper planner. Too much satisfaction from crossing things off the pages!)

So long story short, I haven't made as much progress as I hoped but I've made some. I have to keep reminding myself of our mantra: that the tedium of blossoming is where the building of character happens. As long as I'm working towards a goal, I'm making progress and that is what this whole project is about. See you next time!!


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