Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Teamwork is dreamwork

I went on a guided kayaking trip up in the San Juans with my good friend Jordan this one time a few years ago and we were put in a double kayak together. Before we set out, our guide was giving us all tips on how best to maneuver through the water in our double kayaks and his mantra was "teamwork is dreamwork"--basically if you work together you'll get to where you need to be easier than if you're both just doing your own thing.  Goals, I'm finding are similar. They are always easier to achieve when you have a friend to help you along the way.

Example: Last night I said no to going to a BBQ so that I could stay home and clean my room. Did I at first? No. I laid on my bed and watched a Christmas movie instead. (Christmas is a year round holiday in my heart). But eventually I couldn't stand it anymore, I kept looking around and getting more and more stressed about how messy everything was until finally I knew I had to at least attempt some cleaning. Except it was such a mess that I didn't even know where to start and I got all overwhelmed and didn't want to do it anymore. So what did I do? I called in the troops. And by troops I mean Kat. And by called in I mean texted. To sum that up, I texted Kat-because she is really great at breaking things down and motivating me. And she did just that. Well her first response when I texted her that I needed help was "If it's about an outfit, go with black", which is stellar advice. But alas this time it wasn't about an outfit. She continued on with that great advice by telling me to just commit to 20 minutes and work from one side to the other. So I did. And I worked for more like 40 and my room still isn't clean but it's significantly better than it was.

We also decided to just commit to 20 minutes each day no matter what of decluttering and to do it at the same time so we had no excuses. So Kat set an alarm on her phone for 7:30pm my time and 8:30pm her time and everyday we are going to drop what we are doing and organize for 20 minutes until hopefully it becomes habit and we no longer need the alarm or each other to be accountable too. I'm telling you, if you're having trouble with a goal or trying to form a habit, grab a friend, they are the best.


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