Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thank you, Brene Brown!

Guys, I finished a book. That never happens!

Remember in this post when I quoted Brene Brown on her definition of authenticity? That definition really hit home! I used Brown's definition, along with recent experiences, to draft my authenticity goals. They're pretty broad and may only mean something to me, but since this project is about self-improvement and blossoming how/when I choose I guess that's what matters.

1. I will embrace my imperfections.
-I will stop it with the comparisons.
-I will believe that I am enough.

2. I will cultivate the courage to show my imperfections.
-I will let go of perfectionism.
-I will cultivate self-compassion.
-I will focus on gratitude.

As I've been thinking about these goals, finishing up The Gifts of Imperfection, and taking a life inventory I've started to realize how personal authenticity is and how much courage it takes to be authentic. It's much easier to hide behind a facade or pretend, if even for a little bit. But eventually the act is going to catch up with you. Maybe I'm not as authentic and courageous as I thought?


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