I'm loving that HEALTH is our focus for February and March. In my last post, I broke down how I'd been feeling for a few months in relation to authenticity and negative experiences that had come back to haunt me. Let's be real, it was pretty raw and very humbling to open up in that way. BUT it was very cathartic to get those feelings out, even it is...
Monday, March 2, 2015
Friday, January 9, 2015
so basically spirituality has taken a back seat
Posted on 8:11 PMby Unknown with No comments
I'm one of those people Brooke mentioned that lumps spirituality with religion. I was born and raised LDS (learn about the LDS faith here) and, for the most part, have enjoyed my experience with the LDS church and its people. It has taught me skills and helped me cultivate values that have largely guided me in a direction I want my life to go. Honestly,...
Spirituality in a nutshell
Posted on 9:18 AMby brooketolman with No comments
So I will be the first to admit I'm never good at keeping up
with things like this blog. Despite not blogging about it though, I have
been focusing the last several weeks on spirituality (that is the topic Kat and
I are focusing on lately) because it's one of the larger things on my mind
lately. It's not that I haven't wanted to write about...
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
wrapping up authenticity, just in time for the holidays!
Posted on 8:39 AMby Unknown with No comments
Embracing imperfections is hard. I don't think it's meant to be easy. We live in a world where society's definition of perfection is unattainable, yet we are expected to strive to reach it. We are told to have the perfect body (not too fat and not too skinny) but to also be happy with the body we have, to juggle multiple responsibilities (not...
Thursday, November 20, 2014
authenticity: untitled
Posted on 1:50 PMby Unknown with No comments
Does anyone else ever feel like life has a funny little way of handing you challenges at the exact moment you're thinking that you can't take anymore? Or that your current challenge seems to target whatever you're working to improve?
Story of my life. And probably yours too.
Let's be real here, we all have challenges and I believe they are specifically...
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
learning moments in patience
Posted on 8:27 AMby Unknown with No comments
So I'm not into divulging personal details here, especially when it comes to the ones I love and hold most dear. Sorry if this post is vague, but I'd rather keep my relationships private. Hope you understand.
The past month has been a difficult one for my husband and me. Between the grad school applications and fees, family expectations, student vs....
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
on patience
Posted on 9:57 AMby Unknown with No comments
I'm not sure how to start this post, or even really what to write. I have so many thoughts swirling in my head regarding authenticity. We'll see how this goes.
A coworker and personal friend of mine attended a conference this week on cultural competence...aka accepting and celebrating differences. This coworker is very different from many of my other...
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